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Standardisation Services

Issues related to standardisation in the service sector

Programme or seminar
CEN Communication Campaign

The European Committee for Standardization (CEN), whose Spanish member is the Spanish Association for Standardization, UNE, has launched the Communication Campaign "Standards4Services Facilitating standards for success".

Through #Standards4Services, CEN has explained in a didactic way how service standards are developed and their benefits for the service industry and European consumers.

Further information

Human Resources Management in UNE
Spain and competitiveness in tourism

Spain is the most competitive country in the world according to the World Economic Forum's 2019 Tourism Competitiveness Index. The Spanish Association for Standardization, UNE, contributes to promoting the quality and competitiveness of Spanish tourism through various standards that help companies in the sector to achieve international standards of quality, safety, professionalism and accessibility. In response to the need to reactivate tourism activity within the framework of the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-19 outbreak, the sector guidelines developed under the leadership of the ICTE for tourism in safety and confidence have been published as UNE Specifications. Moreover, UNE is a key player in the design of the new Spanish tourism model and as such it participates in UNETUR, promoted by the State Secretariat for Tourism, with the support of SEGITTUR, ICTE, ITH and UNE.

Learn about the UNE standards, led by the Spanish tourism sector in the recent report Support for standardisation in the tourism sector and the UNE standards for safe tourism Support for standardisation in the tourism sector.

Further information

Safety and hygiene in funeral centres and crematoriums

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has forced us to review the way we work and relate with each other, our habits and our social culture. It has also had an impact on the moment when we say goodbye to our loved ones in the company of family and friends, as these are occasions of public gathering where it is essential to ensure people's safety and hygiene. The UNE Specification, which has been developed under the leadership of PANASEF, provides funeral service providers with operational measures and requirements, as well as information protocols designed to ensure safety and generate confidence among users.

Further information

To find out more

CEN/TC 447 Horizontal standards for the provision of services

In its work programme, this European committee includes the drafting of European standards that are scheduled to be published by the end of 2020:

  • EN 17371-1, which provides guidance for assessing the capacity of service providers and evaluating service proposals in order to improve and facilitate the service contracting process.
  • EN 17371-2, which provides guidance for the design, content and structure of service contracts.
  • EN 17371-3, which provides guidance for implementing execution measurement management mechanisms as an integral part of the service contract

The standards for the service sector on the website of DG GROW - the European Commission's Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Further information

CEN Guide 15. Drawing up standards in the service sector

The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) published the CEN 15:2012 Guide, which provides support, guidelines and a methodology for the development of standards in the field of services, whether generally applicable or for a specific sector.

The guide, translated by the Spanish Association for Standardization, UNE, is available in Spanish.

CEN Guide 15

Standards for the service sector on the website of DG GROW

The European Commission DG GROW has allotted a space specifically dedicated to standardisation in services on its website.

Use this link to keep up to date with policies and new developments related to standardisation in the field of services.

The European Commission's DG GROW