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Standards on Recovery and Resilience Projects

Dual ecological and digital transition

​Two of the main guidelines of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan are to promote the ecological and digital transition. Numerous standardisation areas in UNE drive both transitions in companies.

Ecological transition Digital Transformation
Case studies

The Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE), has established its first alliances with Spanish sector associations in several of their Strategic Projects for Economic Recovery and Transformation proposals. Among other projects, it is involved in the construction and infrastructure sector, through SEOPAN (Association of Construction and Infrastructure Concession Companies) and the Spanish Construction Technology Platform (PTEC); in offshore wind energy with AEE (Asociación Empresarial Eólica); in the lighting sector with ANFALUM (Spanish Association of Lighting Manufacturers) or in the technical installations of buildings, with AFME (Association of Electrical Material Manufacturers).

UNE is working with other associations, as well as with large and small companies and research centres, to participate in these new initiatives.

First collaborations Technology Platforms

Boost to the Recovery in Spain

Spain is preparing to develop a large number of initiatives for the recovery and modernisation of the economy, backed by unprecedented European funding.

All these initiatives should consider the leverage effect that the development of new standardisation can bring to their objectives, projecting them in the longer term and the entire sector they are intended for. The benefits arise from the very nature of standards, which are key to competitiveness.