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​​​​​​​​​​​​STANDARDISATION: An essential competitive intelligence tool that enables Spanish products and services to access European and international markets​


The development of a UNE standard could be ​your strongest ally and the most profitable way of achieving a competitive advantage and building customer trust

Standards establish market rules and set up networks for contact and collaboration with other organisations in the sector.​​​​​​​​​​

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To keep up-to-date with all aspects of standardisation: ​​​​​​​​

  • Discover the new regulatory developments;
  • Take part in developing standards;
  • Learn how to integrate standardisation into your R&D&i project;

Send us your enquiry

or call (+34) 915 294 900

​We will be very pleased to help you.


Fundamental concepts of standardisation

Book open as UNE standard
What is a standard?

A standard is a technical document designed for voluntary use which results from consensus, based on the results of experience and technological development and approved by a recognised standardisation body.

Standards guarantee levels of quality and safety that allow any company to better position itself on the market and constitute a significant source of information for professionals of any economic activity.​​​​

Standard finder

Members meeting while drawing up standards UNE
How are standards developed?

Technical standards are developed by the Spanish Association for Standardisation-UNE through its Technical Standardisation Committees (CTN), which are attended by all parties concerned.

Participation in these Committees makes it possible to gain access to and influence the contents of European and international standards.

The Committees are comprised of a chairperson, a technical secretary and various members who make up an equitable representation of all parties with interest in standardisation in a specific field, which guarantees transparency, openness and consensus in its work.

Committee search engine

Mechanisms in the process of drawing up a UNE standard
Development process

​The process of drawing up a UNE standard is subject to a series of phases, ensuring that the final document is the result of consensus and the complete transparency that guarantees that any person, even if they do not belong to the body drawing up the standard, can voice their opinions or comments.

Project review systems Development process of UNE standards

picture of a family on a book
Standards in our life

​Standards indicate how a product or service should be in order to be safe and meet consumer expectations.

Monthly, in the "Standards in our lives" section, applied standards are shown in different scenes of everyday life.

See more

Why take part?

​​​​The benefits of standardisation

Standardisation contributes to the progress of countries, driving the development of their economies in the areas of industry and services, improving the education and well-being of society as a whole and protecting the environment.

Further information

Statement on copyright and industrial property rights (IPR) in standards

Copyright icon on hand for UNE standards
Copyright of UNE standards

​Those taking part in the UNE Technical Standardisation Committees must be aware that UNE standards are considered to be a collective undertaking (Legislative Royal Decree 1/1996, of 12 April, Copyright Law), meaning the texts, figures, images and any other content of UNE standards are protected under copyright of the Spanish Association for Standardization.

Read Royal Decree

Light bulb switched on in patents and UNE standards
Patents and standards

All standardisation bodies, including UNE, are not involved in the assessment of the importance of patents with regard to deliverables, nor do they interfere in the negotiations of licences or in discussions on patents. This is left to the parties concerned.

More information List of UNE standards involving patents (patent declaration)

Influence at the European level

The members of the CEN and CENELEC Technical Panels are responsible for collaborating in the control and execution of the standardisation work programme of the two organisations.

They translate national positions on technical coordination issues and promote improvements in procedures for developing standards. The UNE representative in these Bodies is Miguel Ángel ARANDA. If you would like more details, contact: