The Spanish Association for Standardization, UNE, has just published the Technical Specification UNE 0071 Fostering Tolerance in Schools. Requirements and recommendations for its correct use.
The document provides guidelines and complements the efforts already in place aimed at creating a positive school atmosphere based on fostering tolerance. The aim is to contribute to the construction and development of a more tolerant and cohesive society, consistent with UNE's mission to contribute to social well-being.
It arises from the desire to help to improve the atmosphere in schools, prevent bullying, exclusion, and even reduce school dropout rate and failure, brought about by an attitude of intolerance in the school environment. It provides a technical tool for schools to help them standardize and implement good practices and processes aimed at improving positive intercultural relations in schools.
The UNE 0071 Specification is the result of the commitment of the members of CTN 165/GT 9 Tolerance in non-university educational centres and the great teamwork carried out in 2020. The working group included public and private entities, such as schools, parents' associations, town councils, autonomous institutions, NGOs, and independent professionals.
The Specification was created with the support of AIDEJOVEN - International Alliance for Youth Development, with the aim of fostering Civic Responsibility and Tolerance in schools and establishing common protocols to ensure continuous improvement in the fostering of tolerance. It is designed to be of support to public administrations as well as schools, families and society in general.
The development of this specification is part of the "CM Teaching Tolerance" project, funded by the General Directorate of Social Services and Innovation of the Community of Madrid, as part of the call for grants for projects aimed at helping people living in vulnerable situations 2019-2020.