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CTN 135 - Road equipment

Field of Activity:
Standardization of: Elements and road equipment intended for the road signalisation, road safety and traffic control which provide information, regulation and safety in roads and urban streets such as: - Traffic signs (plates, cantilevers and sign gantries); - Horizontal road signs; - Safety barriers (metallic and concrete); - Retroreflecting road studs; - Anti-glare screens and noise reducing devices; - Signs for temporary purposes. The specifications cover all aspects relating to terminology and definitions, classification, characteristics, test methods, design etc. including their supporting elements and foundations. Excluding: The standardization of raw materials and primary elements which are responsibility of other committees.

SC 1 Road restraint systems

SC 2 Horizontal road signs

SC 3 Vertical signs

SC 6 Noise reducing devices

SC 7 Anti-glare screens

SC 9 Equipamiento vial urbano

International Relations:

CEN/TC 226  Road equipment

* Some activities of this TC correspond to other AEN/CTN.

Standards developed by the committee: CTN 135: 295

UNE-EN 13212:2012

Status: VIGENTE / 2024-07-29

Road marking materials - Requirements for factory production control

UNE-EN 13197:2012+A1:2014

Status: VIGENTE / 2024-07-29

Road marking materials - Wear simulator Turntable

UNE-EN 13459:2012

Status: VIGENTE / 2024-07-29

Road marking materials - Sampling from storage and testing

UNE 135331:2024

Status: VIGENTE / 2024-04-30

Vertical signs. Fixed metallic vertical road traffic signs. Non-retroreflective area. Paints. Characteristics and test methods.

UNE 135352:2024

Status: VIGENTE / 2024-04-30

Vertical signs and road delineators. "In situ" quality control. Characteristics and test methods.

UNE-EN 14389:2024

Status: VIGENTE / 2024-04-10

Road traffic noise reducing devices - Procedures for assessing long term performance

UNE-CEN/TR 1317-10:2023 (Ratificada)

Status: VIGENTE / 2024-02-07

Road restraint systems - Part 10: Assessment methods and design guidelines for transitions, terminal and crash cushion connection - transitions (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in January of 2024.)

UNE-CEN/TS 1317-9:2023 (Ratificada)

Status: VIGENTE / 2024-02-07

Road restraint systems - Part 9: Impact tests and test methods for removable barrier sections (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in January of 2024.)

UNE-CEN/TS 17342:2024

Status: VIGENTE / 2024-01-17

Road restraint systems - Motorcycle road restraint systems which reduce the impact severity of motorcyclist collisions with safety barriers

UNE-CEN/TS 1317-7:2023 (Ratificada)

Status: VIGENTE / 2024-01-01

Road restraint systems - Part 7: Performance characterisation and test methods for terminals of safety barriers

UNE 135204:2010

Status: VIGENTE / 2023-06-01

Road marking materials. Quality control. Performance in use

UNE 135900:2017

Status: VIGENTE / 2023-06-01

Standard on the evaluation of performance of the protection systems for motorcyclists on safety barriers and parapets. Test procedures, performance classes and acceptance criteria.

UNE 135341:2017 IN

Status: VIGENTE / 2023-06-01

Vertical signs. Selection guide for retroreflective materials.

UNE 135320:2017

Status: VIGENTE / 2023-06-01

Vertical signs. Slat galvanized steel sheet. Type A and B. Characteristics and test methods.

UNE 135314:2017

Status: VIGENTE / 2023-06-01

Vertical signs. Galvanized steel profiles used as post of the signs, side posters and directional signs. Moving supporting elements. Screw products. Characteristics and test methods.

UNE-CEN/TS 16786:2023

Status: VIGENTE / 2023-05-24

Road restraint systems - Truck Mounted Attenuators - Performance classes, impact test acceptance criteria and test performance

UNE-EN 1793-5:2018

Status: VIGENTE / 2023-03-15

Road traffic noise reducing devices - Test method for determining the acoustic performance - Part 5: Intrinsic characteristics - In situ values of sound reflection under direct sound field conditions

UNE-EN 1793-6:2019+A1:2022

Status: VIGENTE / 2023-03-15

Road traffic noise reducing devices - Test method for determining the acoustic performance - Part 6: Intrinsic characteristics - In situ values of airborne sound insulation under direct sound field conditions

UNE-EN 1463-1:2023

Status: VIGENTE / 2023-01-18

Road marking materials - Retroreflecting road studs - Part 1: Initial performance requirements

UNE 135901:2022

Status: VIGENTE / 2022-07-13

Urban road equipment. Vulcanized rubber prefabricated speed humps. Characteristics and test methods.